Cloud Services

What we provide for cloud services


We provide cloud computing services that allow users to access and manage computer resources, such as software, storage, and processing power, over the internet. We offer various types of cloud services, including infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and software-as-a-service (SaaS) which provide a range of services such as virtualized servers, databases, software development platforms and enterprise applications. Our cloud computing services offer increased flexibility and scalability, lower costs, and improved disaster recovery capabilities to organizations.

Business Cloud Computing

  • Plan cloud migration from on premise environments
  • Drive the migration process and ensure the data integrity
  • Optimize the cloud utilization by using the best industry practices
  • Automate reptitive tasks to improve productivity and cut costs

Cloud Security

  • Control and enforce the remote data access policy
  • Ensure a maximum security of privacy
  • Define users access levels and authorization profile

Business and Operations Continuity

  • Setup backups to the cloud
  • Restore data from the cloud
  • Design a disaster recovery plan

Day to day operations support in the cloud

  • Ensure the access to the resources needed to run day to day operations
  • Support users and troubleshoot issues that arise
  • Resolve issues in a timely manner
Our Services

Free Consultation

We offer free consultation for all new clients
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What sets us apart

No hidden fees

We don’t charge any extra fees beside of what we agreed upon during the initial consultation.

Industry-leading technology

We use the industry best practices on everything we do. We always make use of the best cost effective technologies

Result-oriented approach

We measure all the work we do to achieve the best results possible for very single service we provide.

Quality, quality, quality

We are proud of the quality process we follow in TWYNTECH, every service we provide adheres to the best quality possible.